WOD Doc: Mobility Solution for your Hips, Parts 1, 2 & 3
We begin with Epsiode 62: Dr. Tim focuses on getting your butt back while maintaining the overhead arm position with...
We begin with Epsiode 62: Dr. Tim focuses on getting your butt back while maintaining the overhead arm position with...
Episode 60: back in Episode 16, Dr. Tim covered the importance of the levator scapulae as it pertains to neck...
Episodes 57 & 58: focus on the thoracic spine. This is the linchpin for the overhead squat. Now that you...
Episode 56: Previously, Dr. Tim addressed Gate 1 and Gate 2 systems for the Overhead Squat, as well as any...
Episode 55: in Episode 54, a movement assessment was used to determine adequate shoulder external rotation. Failure requires Wall Angels and...
Episode 54: for many, overhead work with a barbell, military press or with dumb bells can be challenging. Often, a...
Episode 53: commonly ‘elbow pain’ can come from medial or lateral forearm flexors and extensors respectively. However, unresolved pain is...
Episode 51: Here, the gastrochnemius and soleus of the posterior calf are addressed. Foam rolling and static stretching will help...
Episode 50: so far, we have focused on the tibialis anterior and posterior which are muscles that focus around the...
Episode 49: in Episode 47, the anterior compartment of the shin was covered. The ‘shin splint’ pain region, tibialis anterior...