WOD Doc: Scapular Stabilization & The Strict Pull-Up
Episode 27: form is everything. This follows the recap from the Kipping Pull-up mini-series. Dr. Tim focuses on EXTERNAL ROTATION...
Episode 27: form is everything. This follows the recap from the Kipping Pull-up mini-series. Dr. Tim focuses on EXTERNAL ROTATION...
Episode 24: while this video addresses ‘can you kip’ while providing ways to improve your kip – my professional experience...
Episode 21: As per the Joint-by-Joint Approach, the shoulder should have MOBILITY. However, in the presence of pain, you may be...
Episode 20: As per the Joint-by-Joint Approach, the shoulder should have MOBILITY. However, in the presence of pain, you may...
Episode 17: your shoulder provides stability. Pain may indicate a lack of stability, especially during overhead lifts. Use a triggerpoint...
Episode 16: pain during a shrugging motion (snatch, clean) can burn out your levator scapulae – an important neck stabilizer,...