WOD Doc: Mobility Solution for the Hips: Active Frog
Episode 94: Here we see Sara, North East Regional Athlete (3rd in the Open). Anyone who has difficulty with external...
Episode 94: Here we see Sara, North East Regional Athlete (3rd in the Open). Anyone who has difficulty with external...
Episode 93: your head weighs the equivalent of a bowling ball. When we sit, we slouch. For every inch forward...
Episode 92: Dr. Silverman chats up the WOD Doc about coconut water and crossfit. What you need to know: it...
Episode 91: Knee instability can be caused from tracking problem at the patella, or ‘knee cap’. Muscle strengthening and balancing...
Mike Reinold, former head PT of the Boston Red Sox gets serious with the WOD Doc. Here, we learn about...
It is understood that the shoulder needs to be a mobile joint, BUT many times athletes complain of shoulder pain...
Episode 85: This is a 3-Part Recovery for the Psoas, or ‘hip flexor’. First, we begin with the Foam Roller....
Episode 83: the Wall Ball is essentially a squat with a dynamic overhead press. Position of the low back, thoracic...
Episode 82: an often overlooked muscle group, the QL is responsible for support during lateral flexion and is an accessory respiratory muscle;...
Episode 81: What is RockTape? (For a completely in-depth article, click here). Taping achieves three things. 1: Improves circulation –...