WOD Doc: Mobility Solution for the Quadratus Lumborum
Episode 82: an often overlooked muscle group, the QL is responsible for support during lateral flexion and is an accessory respiratory muscle;...
Episode 82: an often overlooked muscle group, the QL is responsible for support during lateral flexion and is an accessory respiratory muscle;...
So far, Dr. Tim has broken down the Overhead Squat, a critical movement for all Crossfitters, Olympic Lifters as well...
We begin with Epsiode 62: Dr. Tim focuses on getting your butt back while maintaining the overhead arm position with...
Episode 41: hip hinge mobility is paramount to any lower body activity and it is also important when addressing lower...
Episode 35: waaaay back in Episode 8, Knee Caving and corrective exercise programming was covered as it pertains to your...
Episode 30: tight abs are nice, but are only once piece of the puzzle. For core rigidity, which is the...
Your low back is meant to be a stable region in your body. Over-stretching it will make it worse. ...