WOD Doc: Stability Solution for the Shoulder and Lat
Episode 17: your shoulder provides stability. Pain may indicate a lack of stability, especially during overhead lifts. Use a triggerpoint...
Episode 17: your shoulder provides stability. Pain may indicate a lack of stability, especially during overhead lifts. Use a triggerpoint...
Episode 14: Tight hips must always be mobilized to safely get deep into your squat. Focus on the trigger point...
Episode 12: proper form is key for a good posterior hip stretch. Assess for your weak side(s), keep the knee...
Episode 11: fascia surrounds our muscles, muscle fibers, connective tissue and organs – it’s everywhere. Adhesions are ‘stuck points’ that force...
Episode 9: still cannot get low into that squat? Your inner thigh muscles, chiefly the Adductor Magnus needs to be...
Episode 8: resistance bands around one or both knees will help your knee cave during heavy squats or overhead barbell...
Episode 7: resistance bands positioned at the thoracic spine help retrain your body NOT to slouch deep in your squat.
Episode 6: using rubber bands of varying resistance will promote neuromuscular and proprioceptive feedback, helping your body learn to smoothly...
The more we learn about the science of sport, the more I hate the static stretch. Tom Kelso Contributor...
Passive or Static stretching before any type of physical activity is a bad thing. Luckily, you’re not most people. ...