The Bench Press: Part 2 – Form Continued
Part 1 of The Bench Press focused on Form and getting comfortable with how the bench press is necessary for...
Part 1 of The Bench Press focused on Form and getting comfortable with how the bench press is necessary for...
This is a multi-part article on the bench press. If you want upper body strength, this should be in your...
I’m not here to bash cardio – just bad cardio plans. We often under-estimate our workout needs to optimize our programs...
In an age where everyone is quick to hit the roads or treadmill to carve off those holiday pounds, or...
Fatigue is the killer of any good workout. Knowing which kind you have is even more important. Muscular, Neural, Neuroendocrine...
In our previous posting we talked about how sitting is the new smoking; that if you workout for 1 hour...
The more you exercise, the more you require rehab in order to make that next set of gains – plain...
On a timeline long enough, we will all get injured. The goal is to learn from our mistakes and get...
I believe that every athlete should have some form of self-care in their rehab toolbox. Seeing a health care practitioner...
Athletes are notorious for pushing the limits of human performance. So, is it any wonder that they get injured more...