The Female Athlete Triad, Part 3: Prevention and Coaching Implications
Part 1 and Part 2 can be found here. Long term, athletes need to have an open relationship with their...
Part 1 and Part 2 can be found here. Long term, athletes need to have an open relationship with their...
In the previous article we learned that Energy Levels/Eating Disorders; Menstrual Irregularities; and Bone Loss/Injury make up the Female Athletic Triad....
Any athlete that participates in sport assumes a risk. These risk factors are multifactorial (such as gender, years in sport, previous...
Episode 68: having creatine in your system will allow your body greater access to phosphate, an important component in the...
So far, Dr. Tim has broken down the Overhead Squat, a critical movement for all Crossfitters, Olympic Lifters as well...
We begin with Epsiode 62: Dr. Tim focuses on getting your butt back while maintaining the overhead arm position with...
In July I posted a blog discussing The Overuse of Cryotherapy. The controversy surrounding the topic made it one of the...
Many years ago I got tired of watching my athletes roll in to the ice-for-injuries athletic training room and slap...
Episode 42: the foot is a stable region that is affected adversely by sandals or foot ware that distorts the...
Episode 30: tight abs are nice, but are only once piece of the puzzle. For core rigidity, which is the...