WOD Doc: The Burpee & Shoulder / Forearm Pain
Episode 36: here, we see the all-too-common: elbow winging during the push-up portion of the burpee. This causes increased tensile...
Episode 36: here, we see the all-too-common: elbow winging during the push-up portion of the burpee. This causes increased tensile...
Episode 35: waaaay back in Episode 8, Knee Caving and corrective exercise programming was covered as it pertains to your...
Episode 34: …#999, #1000! Recall, the shoulder is a complex joint. Muscles on the front (anterior surface) get torched, as...
Episode 33: previously, we covered how having active lats assists with mobility and shoulder stability. We also covered the posterior...
Episode 32: back in Episode 21, the Latissimus Dorsi was addressed to improve scapular (shoulder) mobility and retain shoulder stability....
Episode 30: tight abs are nice, but are only once piece of the puzzle. For core rigidity, which is the...
Episode 28: from Episode 27, we learned about stability of the posterior rotator cuff. Part 2 of this is to...
Episode 27b: The 30 Day Pull-Up Challenge: 30 Day Pull-Up Challenge 5 sets of: 6-5-5-4-3 (with ADEQUATE REST)
Episode 27: form is everything. This follows the recap from the Kipping Pull-up mini-series. Dr. Tim focuses on EXTERNAL ROTATION...
Episode 24: while this video addresses ‘can you kip’ while providing ways to improve your kip – my professional experience...