WOD Doc: Mike Reinold, Shoulder Strength & Overhead Stability
Mike Reinold, former head PT of the Boston Red Sox gets serious with the WOD Doc. Here, we learn about...
Mike Reinold, former head PT of the Boston Red Sox gets serious with the WOD Doc. Here, we learn about...
It is understood that the shoulder needs to be a mobile joint, BUT many times athletes complain of shoulder pain...
Episode 85: This is a 3-Part Recovery for the Psoas, or ‘hip flexor’. First, we begin with the Foam Roller....
Episode 83: the Wall Ball is essentially a squat with a dynamic overhead press. Position of the low back, thoracic...
Relaxin is a hormone secreted during pregnancy that affects ligaments. It also influences other ligaments of the body, which can make...
In Part 1, we learned about personal choice, selecting a doctor and recovery. In Part 2, we learn about the...
Episode 82: an often overlooked muscle group, the QL is responsible for support during lateral flexion and is an accessory respiratory muscle;...
It shouldn’t be a surprise that more women are turning to fitness both pre-pregnancy as well as during. Not only...
Not quite. In a study put out by the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, they concluded that long-term usage...
It is often difficult to find a perfect balance between the competitive nature of sport and athletics with one’s feminine...