WOD Doc: Mobility Solution for the Hip / Psoas
Episode 85: This is a 3-Part Recovery for the Psoas, or ‘hip flexor’.
First, we begin with the Foam Roller. Smash the quad, especially towards the knee. Don’t neglect the TFL and IT-band. Mash those “10/10 hot spots” until they drop down to a 5/10.
Second, we progress to the Banded Psoas Stretch. Placing the band under the “butt-bone”, drop down on that knee. Be sure NOT to hyperextend your low back. Instead, clinch your glute and stay tall in your torso.
Lastly, we do a modified Couch Stretch using the band. Progress into the stretch as it can be VERY uncomfortable on your quad. Slowly, lower your body until you can get tall into the hip and place resistance in the band.