WOD Doc: Mobility Solution for the External Obliques
Episode 110: Here, we’re talking about working on the core again. We know that having adequate core activation and diaphragm activation, will reduce ‘energy leakage‘. If your core is activated, you will remain sturdy for whatever exercise you are participating in. For earlier work, click here.
Today, Dr. Tim addresses the external obliques – those muscles next to your six-pack. Using your foam roller, go about 30 degrees lateral from your six-pack and roll for 2-4 minutes. Note the outreached hand, which will elevate your rib cage and allow for more adequate muscle roll-out.
Next, we see Dr. Tim using the Alpha Ball (use your favorite ball as needed) and follow the landmarks he provides. Further, going into the ‘scorpion position’ will allow for more adequate muscle roll-out.